Manually uninstall bluestacks
Manually uninstall bluestacks

manually uninstall bluestacks manually uninstall bluestacks

How To Temporarily Disable Your Anti-virus, Firewall And Anti-malware Programs Temporarily disable any script blocker if your Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware has it. This will provide a bit of basic info about your system.Īlso, although the program is not malware, per se, the mods may move this topic over to the malware removal section, as that's the forum sub-section where extensive/intensive computer cleaning is performed by the expert helpers.ĭownload DDS from one of the locations below and save it to your Desktop: The experts will likely need to use some powerful tools to backup your registry and clean this application's remnants out of your registry and off your system.įor starters, please follow the instructions below to run DDS and post back here with both of the logs attached to your next reply. You'll definitely need some expert help with this. You've been warned.Īvoid this program like the plague. Uninstall? Forget it, the software doesn't uninstall itself correctly you have to take up your mop and broom and get to work manually removing this train-wreck of a program. If you happen to not be online while installing, then God help you and prepare for the process to hose itself and litter your machine with all manner of junk. Once you start it, pray to whatever God you worship as there is no Cancel button or any button at all, or any way to manage the process throughout. The install routine itself is one of the worst I've seen in a Windows app.

manually uninstall bluestacks

There's probably not enough space on the internet to list everything wrong with this program, so here's the condensed version: its a disaster.

Manually uninstall bluestacks